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Indigenous Studies Resources

Indigenous Peoples



First Nations

The term First Nations was originally developed by Indigenous Peoples in the 1970s as an alternative for inappropriate terms such as Native and Indian. It refers to individual nations that occupied territories before the arrival of Europeans. It can also be used to describe a reserve or group which is part of a larger nation (Younging). There are 133 First Nations communities located across Ontario, representing at least 7 major cultural and linguistic groups (Government of Canada).

Learn more:

  • Ontario First Nations Directory (Chiefs of Ontario) - View all of the 133 First Nations across Ontario.
  • First Nation Profiles (Map) (Government of Canada) - A collection of information that describes individual First Nation communities across Canada. The profiles include general information on a First Nation along with more detailed information about its reserve(s), governance, federal funding, geography, registered population statistics and various Census statistics.


Métis are one of the three recognized Indigenous Peoples in Canada, along with First Nations and Inuit. The word métis in the French language refers to individuals with mixed Indigenous and European heritage. However, being Métis goes beyond heritage and includes a "distinct collective identity, customs and way of life, unique from Indigenous or European roots" (CBC). 

Learn more:


"The Inuit — Inuktitut for the people — are an Indigenous people, the majority of whom inhabit the northern regions of Canada. An Inuit person is known as an Inuk. The Inuit homeland is known as Inuit Nunangat, which refers to the land, water and ice contained in the Arctic region" (Canadian Encyclopedia).

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