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APA Citation Guide (6th ed.): Images, Charts, Graphs, Maps & Tables


Figure Numbers

Each image you reproduce should be assigned a figure number, starting with number 1 for the first image used in the assignment.


Images may not have a set title. If this is the case give a description of the image where you would normally put the title.

Copyright Information

Include copyright information in the citation if it is given, including the year and the copyright holder. Copyright information on a website may often be found at the bottom of the home page.

Still Need Help?

For more information on citing and formatting figures & tables in APA, see Purdue Owl 1 and Purdue Owl 2.

Finding Images You Are Allowed to Use via Google

If you are searching for images on Google, after your search, click the Images tab > Tools > Usage Rights > Labeled for Reuse

For more information please see our images, copyright and citing information


Reproducing Images, Infographics, Charts, Tables & Graphs
Reproducing happens when you copy or recreate an image, infographic, table, graph, or chart that is not your original creation. If you reproduce one of these works in your assignment, you must cite the work in your References List and create a note underneath the image, infographic, chart, table or graph to show where you found it.


Citing Information From an Image, Infographic, Chart, Table or Graph
If you refer to information from an image, infographic, chart, table or graph, but do not reproduce it in your paper, create a citation both in-text and on your Reference List.

If the image is part of a larger source, such as a book, magazine article, or website, use the citation format of the source where the image is found.
For example: If information came from a table from an article in National Geographic magazine, you would cite the entire article. If information came from an infographic posted on the Statistics Canada website, you would follow the template for citing infographics from a website

Image Reproduced From a Magazine or Journal

Note: Applies to Graphs, Charts, Drawings, Infographics, Maps, Tables and Photographs

Figure X. Description of the image or title of the image. Adapted from "Title of Article," by Article Author's First Initial. Second Initial. Last Name, year, day, (for a magazine) or year (for a journal), Title of Magazine or Journal, volume number, page(s). Copyright year by name of copyright holder.

Note: Information about the image is placed directly below the image in your assignment and on the reference list.


Black and white male figure exercising

Figure 1. Man exercising. Adapted from "Yoga: Stretching Out," by A. N. Green, and L. O. Brown, 2006, May 8, Sports Digest, 15, p. 22. Copyright 2006 by Sports Digest Inc.

Reference List Example

Green, A. N., & Brown, L. O. (2006, May 8). Yoga: Stretching out. Sports Digest, 15(2), 22.


Image Reproduced From a Library Database

Note: Applies to Graphs, Charts, Infographics, Maps, Drawings, Tables and Photographs

Figure X. Description of the image or image title if given. Adapted from "Title of Image Collection," by Author/Creator's First Initial. Second Initial. Last Name if given, publication date if given. Retrieved from Database Name database. Copyright date by Name of Copyright Holder.

Note: Information about the image is placed directly below the image in your assignment and on the reference list.

A list of Seneca databases which include images can be found here

Image Reproduced From a Website

Note: Applies to Graphs, Charts, Drawings, Infographics, Tables and Photographs

Figure X. Description of the image or image title if given. Adapted from "Title of webpage or document," by Author/Creator's First Initial. Second Initial. Last Name if given, publication date if given, Title of Website. Retrieved Month, day, year that you last viewed the website, from url. Copyright date by Name of Copyright Holder.

Note: Information about the image is placed directly below the image in your assignment and on the reference list.














Figure 2. Table of symbols. Adapted from "Case one study results," by G. A. Black, 2006, Strong Online. Retrieved June 14, 2013, from http://www.strongonline/casestudies/one.html. Copyright 2010 by G.L. Strong Ltd.

Reference List Example

Black, G. A. (2006). Case one study results. Retrieved June 19, 2019, from http://www.strongonline/casestudies/one.html


Image Reproduced from Google Maps

Note: When a page has no title, APA recommends creating a description in brackets.  Because maps have no title, the exact wording to use is up to you. Google Maps pages are created on the fly and they have no published date. Use “n.d.” 

Note: Information about the image is placed directly below the image in your assignment and on the reference list.

Figure X. Google Maps. (Year). [Location Name, City, Province]. Retrieved from URL 


map of Newnham Campus, 404 and Finch

Figure 1. Google Maps. (n.d.). [Newnham Campus, Seneca Polytechnic, Toronto, Ontario] [Street map]. Retrieved from

Reference List Example

Google. (n.d.) [Google Maps, Newnham Campus, Seneca Polytechnic, Toronto, ON]. Retrieved from


Image Reproduced From Seneca Libraries' Online Photo Stock Collection

Note: Applies to Graphs, Charts, Maps, Drawings, Tables and Photographs

Figure X. Description of the image or image title if given. Adapted from "Title of Image Collection," by Author/Creator's First Initial. Second Initial. Last Name if given, publication date if given. Retrieved from Seneca Libraries Digital Library Database. Copyright date by Name of Copyright Holder.

Note: Information about the image is placed directly below the image in your assignment and on the reference list.

Image Reproduced From a CD-ROM

Note: Applies to Graphs, Charts, Maps, Drawings, Tables and Photographs

Figure X. Description of the image or image title if given. Adapted from "Title of CD-ROM" [CD ROM], by Author/Creator's First Initial. Second Initial. Last Name if given, publication date if given. Copyright date by Name of Copyright Holder.

Note: Information about the image is placed directly below the image in your assignment and on the reference list.

Images Used in a PowerPoint, Infographic, Video or Website (Digital Assignment)

Refer to How do I cite? - When Creating Digital Assignments for recommendations on citing images used in PowerPoint slides, Infographics, Videos and Websites.

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.